venerdì 9 novembre 2012

Esoterika #2

All over the Europe started taking a defined form that culture after named "Celtic", meaning with this term not actually a big localized civilization, but a school of thought, an under several form expressed civilization, spread all over european territory.
As time went by, various and wide magic knowledge has been developed by the most prepared Celtic master and always  today's Turin meetings has been the main reference point.
In XV Century BC, the first shipping expedition sent form Egypt in north lands direction, landed on Ligurian coast.
Here Egyptian people met locals and traded with them. They also immediatly knew about the twice yearly meeting in future Turin's area: exactly the same costume they had in their own country.
In this way, Celtic and Egyptian magic exponents knew each other and a new incredibly reach and deep macig culture rose, from the melting of two ancient traditions, such diffrent under some aspect and such similar under some other
Many myths narrate about the meeting in the land on the feet of the mounts (Piedmont) between locals and Egytians, we'll see forward the legends about prince Eridano, that gave his name to the Po river (also named Heridanus).
Here we'll only say that Egyptian settlement on the Po river has been entrusted to Api god, and put under his protection: this is the first Turin's bull feature.
(To be continued...)

lunedì 5 novembre 2012

InTo San Salvario #2

What can we see having a walk on San Salvario streets...let's have a look!
Main gate of the city in ancient times, today we find here Porta Nuova railway station

It has been built on 1865 on Mazzucchetti & Ceppi's project. During the previous two Centuries Porta Nuova was actually a city gate: it has been built on 1620 on Amedeo di Castellamonte's project in oredr to celebrate Victor Amadeus I and Christine Marie of France marriage. All around the city gate there was only countryside and this condition lingered the half of the XIX Century.
Than Napoleon arrived and decided to destroy all the city walls and also Porta Nuova city gate. A few years later this area had gas light, the first Italian case, even if Italy still didn't exist!
In front of Porta Nuova, after Carlo Felice square via Roma takes place, direction Castello square, the very hearth of the city.
In San Salvario there are also different confession churches: on 23, Corso Vittorio you can find Valdese church and just a block after, the San Giovanni Evangelista church. The first was built in 1853, immediately after Charles Albert of Sardinina recognized the right to profess their own confession (1848) to Waldenses. It's a neo-gothic building, with a big rose window on the main side, high pinnacles and it has a nave and two aisles by the anglican style.
The second church is instead neo-romanic building and since 1998 it hosts the Philippine Catholic community and they celebrate in both tagalog and english language
Just on the first way you cross entering the borg, via San Pio V,  on the right side we find the big Sinagoga, jewish confession. In 1848 Charles Albert of Sardinia recognized also to the jewish the right to profess their religion and for this reason in1884 the Synagogue was inaugurated. This building has inside two more small Synagogues on a matrioska model
Many other curiosities are hidden in San Salvario's ways but we're gonna speak about it the next time!

giovedì 1 novembre 2012

Esoterika #1 How everything began...

The strong connection between Turin and the magic is everywhere well known and usually it is also abused and superficially treated.
The story we're gonna tell is a long and deep analysis developed by an archaeologist, Alessandra Luciano in her book "Turin magic misteries"edited by Horus. We'll try to narrate all the facts as clearly as possible. It's important to understand this isn't a scientific approach but every thesis exposed is supported by many evidences, even if not by a scientific.
So let's start from the beginning...!

How Turin has been founded

A long time ago, the Po river designed a path much more irregular than now and it allowed a synchronical outcrop - you'll find more about it after-written. In this particular area a small village took form and here magicians and ministers used to gather closeness to solstices in order to celebrate the summery and wintry solemn rituals.
This people met only during this two particular moments of the year and the area was considered forbidden during the rest of the time. 
The first buildings needed to be very strong in order to be usable next time six months after, so they made it of stone. And also the big square where rituals were officiated was stone made.
They also established this area would be a no war zone. Even if the different populations were fighting outside, they laid down their's arms and came here only in order to speak with the gods.
The meetings went on year after year and in the mean time the territory geologically changed. Also the inhabitants modified their habitudes and they started to live in a geographically stable way.
The reference point, however, remained for a long time that magical place that later would become Turin.
(To be coninued...)